Last week I was putting together a set of songs for my show (Dog’s Breakfast, Monday mornings, 5-6:30 am, on the subject of immigration and came upon this gem from Tom Russell:

Who’s Gonna Build Your Wall?  

Others take the opposite view. It turns out the U.S. Border Patrol has been quietly commissioning pop songs for Mexican radio on the theme of illegal immigration — specifically, how trying to slip across the border will be a horrible mistake and probably get you killed. Some of these numbers, like La Bestia Norte (aka Death Train) have gotten really popular on commercial radio:

La Bestia Norte

It’s so catchy the lyrics come as a surprise:

…The threatening snake appears/

Her scales made out of iron/

Her womb as well…

And we haven’t even boarded yet.

If this stuff is selling — and it is — and if we the people are funding it — and we are — where’s our cut of the royalties?

Where’s the Money?





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