Last week I was putting together a set of songs for my show (Dog’s Breakfast, Monday mornings, 5-6:30 am, on the subject of immigration and came upon this gem from Tom Russell called “Who’s Gonna Build Your Wall?”:



Others take the opposite view. It turns out the U.S. Border Patrol has been quietly commissioning pop songs for Mexican radio on the theme of illegal immigration — specifically, how trying to slip across the border will be a horrible mistake and probably get you killed. Some of these numbers, like La Bestia Norte (aka Death Train) have gotten really popular on commercial radio:

La Bestia Norte

It’s so catchy the lyrics come as a surprise:

…The threatening snake appears/

Her scales made out of iron/

Her womb as well…

And we haven’t even boarded yet.

If this stuff is selling — and it is — and if we the people are funding it — and we are — where’s our cut of the royalties?







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