Hi. Thanks for dropping in. Here you’ll find scribblings on out-of-the-way subjects, photos, paintings, cartoons and links to...

Les Mots Justes
“Speak! Irene! Wife! Woman! Do not sit in silence and allow the blood that now boils in my...

The Bottle Conjuror
If you were living in London a while back — on January 16, 1749, to be precise —...

Dixie This
I try to keep intemperate rants off the menu, but the [Dixie] Chicks really lit me up a...

Just No
From Charleston, South Carolina, once slavery central, comes the world’s worst Christmas ornament:

The Thin Man Goes to the Head
I’ve just been reading Dashiell Hammett’s The Thin Man again and discovered something odd in it. Well, two...

Once in Love With Mary
In delighted receipt today of the complete box set of Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman, recently released a mere...

Buddhist Paints Taj Mahal in Acrylics
The other day I ran across one of my old reporter’s notebooks in which I found raw notes...

Roxies Hart
Prompted by the Fosse/Verdon eight-parter, I’ve been rooting through the backstory of the musical Chicago. Among my discoveries:...

Anchovies and Sheep
For reasons that need not detain us I recently bought a South African cookbook published in 1891. Old...

Order More Sackcloth
The touch of malicious joy I expected to feel about this news story didn’t materialize because the whole...

Blackface, Age 6
Like all old saws, that claim that the past is another country isn’t always true as the convulsions...